
About the app


Drowsy Road is a fun way to get people interested in the NOLO brand while also being informative. The focal point of the app is the game, Drowsy Road, in which you drive a car whilst dodging obstacles and collecting Zs. If you don't collect enough Zs, the game gets increasingly more challenging, attempting to simulate the difficulty as well as the risk of driving without having slept enough, or didn't "catch enough Zs".


The target users for Drowsy Road are teens aged 14-18 in Buffalo NY. This of course does not limit the app from being used by all. The game aspect of the app was made to get those of the target audience to actually download the app without someone else telling them to do so. 


Teens today are getting far too little of the sleep that is vital for their proper development. We want Drowsy Road to be fun to play, but for it also to assist in getting teens to put their phones down earlier each night and collect some much needed Zs.